There are a range of different rig designs and generations, some are modern with up-to-date equipment, whilst other are older early generations with limited capacity and technology. The question is: how can the older early generations compete with the newer ones?
A rigs attractiveness is defined by a wide range of factors. Its perceived capabilities, such as efficiency and safety records are key issues in addition to overall technical capacity. Two rigs, with identical capacity, can deliver different efficiency and safety records.
The best rigs are set up for crews to have success, the others are not.
Normally modern rigs will be considered more efficient and capable than older early generation, but rigs always have improvement potential for a defined drilling campaign.
An area which normally holds potential for improvements is the moonpool area. Significant efficiency and safety gains may be achieved for a relatively modest investment. This will be the case for any rig, new or old.
Optimize to Gain Competitiveness

When Oil companies/Operators select and contract a drilling rig for a drilling campaign, they do it following a thorough process considering a wide range of parameters including:
- Rig capacity
- Safety records
- Capabilities
- Track record
- Reputation
XMT Handling Upgrade on an old rig with tight space: Reel platforms, flush-mounted skidding
deck, bilateral skids with rotation, stack up guide and moonpool guiding
Rigs that do not meet minimum criteria are disqualified from the tender process, or may be requested to accept technical upgrades and improvements to comply with the tender for the drilling campaign.
An excellent safety record needs to be in place. It is your license to tender.
However, if the drilling contractor can document efficiency and good performance the oil company add a value for this rig compared to its peers. Your rig will have a stronger competitive position in the tender process, resulting in a higher commercial dayrate.
A more able and efficient rig will typically win more work, achieve a higher dayrate and stay working during market downturns. The overall efficiency particularly depends on rig and equipment capacity, but a significant efficiency driver is if the rig is set up for crews to have success.
Is the rig full of design flaws hindering the crews from performing, or is it modified such that tasks are safe and efficient for the crews to perform?
An experienced and well trained crew deserve a rig designed for success. Such a rig becomes attractive for clients and achieve better commercial terms then their competitors.
Reduction of Non Productive Time (NPT)(e.g. through “Flat-spot tracking”) is one way to measure your operational efficiency. The end goal of flat-spot tracking is to ensure that you spend as much time as possible on the actual drilling of the well, and less time on preparations and supporting activities.
In order to reduce or eliminate flat-spots it is essential that you have the necessary handling systems for the equipment installed, or to be installed, on the rig.
XMT Handling Crane Upgrade on an old rig with tight space -
Upgraded SWL,synchro lift, taller crane for higher XMT Stacks and
extended and upgraded rail structure.
The Potential of Moonpool Handling Systems
The quality of the moonpool handling systems is vital in order to ensure safe operations and maximize drilling performance. On most rigs, the moonpool area holds a lot of unused potential.
Suggested reading:The Effect Moonpool Handling Systems Have on Operational EfficiencyOptimizing the moonpool area can reduce flat-spots, increase the rig’s operational weather window, improve safety and make the rig more competitive with improved commercial terms with the Operators.
If your rig is otherwise capable of operating in a challenging environment, a relatively modest investment in moonpool handling systems could increase your operating weather window and reduce your wait on weather (WOW) down-time by several days during the drilling campaign, the return on investment is likely to be very attractive.
Optimizing the productivity within this area is thus an important investment, which can improve your reputation, earn bonuses linked to operational efficiency, extend your rig contract and stay attractive to key clients in the market.
An updated moonpool handling system allow you to improve the efficiency in a safe and controlled manner to reduce or eliminate critical flat-spots.
Identifying and addressing inefficient and/or unsafe operations in the moonpool, and implement new working procedures together with (tailormade) equipment solutions will make your rig more competitive, despite being an older, earlier generation rig. Modern latest generation rigs also need to stay on top and consider potential for optimization and improvements in the moonpool areas.By doing so you are able to reduce the time needed to drill the well and hence improve your reputation, earn bonuses linked to efficiency, extend contracts and stay attractive to key clients in a cyclical drilling market.