The Drilling Rig Optimization Blog

Welcome to 'The Drilling Rig Optimization Blog'

Written by Torstein Bringa | Nov 23, 2021 7:30:00 AM

Future Production is proud to introduce you to The Drilling Rig Optimization Blog. Our bold ambition is to develop this blog into becoming a trusted source of knowledge within offshore drilling technology and tools, with particular attention to the moonpool area and other areas/operations that require tailor made solutions. Here, you will find insights that can help you optimize your rig performance.


As a drilling professional, you know perfectly well that areas such as e.g the moonpool area is a congested area of the rig including heavy equipment and hazardous operations. As such, it is crucial to have optimal handling systems in order to ensure safe operations and achieve maximum drilling performance.


Optimizing the productivity within areas such as the moonpool, is thus an important investment, which can increase the ability to compete in the market, despite having an older rig.

Future Production aims to make the industry best practices available to you, along with research and recommendations to help you achieve optimal drilling performance.



The content herein is primarily crafted for rig managers and technical managers. 

In order to meet your high expectations, I am proud to invite some of our most experienced professionals to contribute as authors on this blog.

This blog will give our friends, followers and customers the opportunity to take part in Future Production's accumulated experience and knowledge since the company was founded in 1999.



We know that cost efficent, environment-friendly and safe drilling performance is crucial to our customers.

Future Production's mission is to add value to our customers by providing insights into how you can increase the weather window, reduce risk for people, environment and equipment, as well as reduce the time spent on critical operations.

Therefore, we launch this blog with selected articles related to optimizing the moonpool area, for example:

Attached to every article, you will find pieces of in-depth knowledge you can download for free, like:


About once every month, our experts will continue to publish knowledge articles to the blog. Their expertise is to optimize operational design and being able to see beyond standard solutions, understanding the specific infrastructure, conditions and challenges of each individual rig.


As we continue to build this blog, we’ll also create more specific content around the specific systems and components, and how they can improve your rig performance.

A blog like this will also, by its social nature, become a place to interact with our customers and business partners. We look forward to taking your feedback into consideration as we move ahead.

I personally encourage you to visit The Drilling Rig Optimization Blog regularly. And, do feel free to contact us for more information!

Please consider subscribing, engaging in discussions in the comments field below or share and comment articles like this on social media like LinkedIn and its dedicated discussion groups.

Thank you for reading and visiting, and helping build a better industry.



Torstein Bringa,

CEO, Future Production AS


PS) Do you know where to start? In this paper, you will get an updated overview on different areas of improvement. Get your free copy now: